Saturday, December 17, 2011

Potty training

A few weeks ago Emma was asking to sit on our toilet. I decided to get her a little toilet of her own. We made the purchase a family affair. Here are some photos Matthew was able to catch of Emma carrying her toilet through Target. She insisted on carrying it and even gave it a little test.

At this point Emma's toilet is more of a glorified reading chair. If she sits on her toilet, I read her books to try and keep her entertained. She has yet to actually do a number 1 or 2 in it, but I figure she's still in the getting to know you phase. As Emma's pediatrician put it, "you can try potty training at anytime, but if you force it there will only be one girl (Emma) in the room left standing."


Jane said...

Adorable. She is getting so big. When Belén goes to the potty, she also has to read a book or magazine. When she does #2, she is rewarded with a jelly bean, unless it is bedtime and she has already brushed her teeth. Such a fun age! Happy Holidays!

Alecia @ Hoobing Family Adventures said...

We have the same potty seat and it was a glorified reading chair for quite some time and then all of a sudden (mostly from daycare influence) she was going potty on it. She still uses it now but we also have a Bjorn cover for the big toilet too (which is nice especially now that she can create some serious #2s if you know what I mean.)

Good luck!