Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

I fail to document lots of things on this here blog of ours; like Emma's obsession with her bike helmet and the way she wore it everywhere for an entire weekend, and Matthew and I going all American Guns and visiting a shooting range in Vegas. We hosted the majority of Matthew's family for Thanksgiving and my brother came to visit for Christmas. Emma was so enamored with Duane she'd bypass me or Matthew and  go directly to him for pretty much everything during his visit. There are also the little day-to-day things like Emma eating dinner with her bunny and sharing her broccoli and beans and Matthew showing her how to make and wear play-dough eyeglasses and mustaches.

I've compiled a video montage (yes, my first montage!) of these and many other things for your viewing pleasure.

Untitled from Lisa Alley on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Alecia @ Hoobing Family Adventures said...

Lisa, she is getting so BIG. And what a cutie! These kids of ours grow up so darn fast!!