Friday, January 13, 2012

Shit, Brad is old!

I apologize for the expletive in the headline. Just thinking about the look on by brother in-law's face when he reads it makes it all worthwhile.

My brother in-law Brad turned forty last week. His lovely wife Kendra planned a big Vegas birthday surprise to mark the occasion. Matthew, me, his parents, a couple of Brad and Kendra's friends and my brother and sister in-law Nate and Annie all flew to Vegas to celebrate.

Kendra's idea was for us all to slip in to Vegas unnoticed and surprise Brad at dinner. However, we had one tiny little hitch -  Matthew and I ended up flying from Denver on the same plane as Brad and Kendra. It was 65 degrees the day we left and Matthew and I sweated it out in our winter coats and hats to hide from Brad. We successfully snuck on to the plane, had three close encounters at the Vegas airport and our hotel without Brad ever noticing. Maybe eye exams should be mandatory at forty.

 Matthew going unnoticed at the airport. 

 Lisa incognito.

 After we successfully snuck past Brad on the plane.

 Brad in line to check-in at the hotel. This photo was taken while we hid behind a pillar in the lobby.

Matthew behind the pillar while I try to check us in to our room.

We gotcha! Brad was completely shocked. 

 Brad with his proud parents.

The band reunited for a three day tour!

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